Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Getaway @ Kukup
For the 4 days there, i had enough of mahjong, KTV and seafood with Beer ; but lack of sleep . Imagine every night ended mahjong session @ 3am and waking up earli in the morning @ ard 7 plus ? Except for the lack of sleep, the days there were enjoyable especially the fishing session. First attempt and i've fished a Starfish . Took some pics with it and let it go , no point keepin it. The sun was so scorching hot , and a few hours spent @ the Kelong totally burnt me ! Haha .... Some tourists here actually tot i am a malay !!!! OMG .... gng to "whiten" myself soon ...
Back on X'mas eve evening. After bathing, we set off to my BF's uncle house. God ... his uncle acutally installed the KTV system , and we got to choose songs from a LCD monitor , just like any KTV providers. Haha now i know where to head to when i got the singing itch ! Waiting for X'mas countdown was a bad feeling since all of us were totally burnt out .... X'mas was spent with my grandma & bf. We drove to Changi Village to have dinner together ; A meaningful X'mas this year with my grandma's company.
Okay.. i am totally bashed ... but still got to return to LAB tmr ! *** sigh *** gng sleep , M3rry X'mas everyone ! & thanks to all the greetings ...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A super fulfilling week
This week realli drained me off; packed with birthday parties and events. It started with my bf's birthday on Tuesday, planned a surprise for him. It's realli hard to get friends tgt during such parties, but i am thankful for those who turned up. Second would be my bf's sis 21st birthday yesterday. Helped out a bit with the catering stuffs & i realli enjoyed the mahjong session with his aunts , LOL i am beginning to behave like TAI TAIs (not AUNTIES k ). The last one would be a friend's birthday - a surprise house party todae. This is the most taxing party as i am the main organiser , coordinated with at least 3 batches of friends. At first, attendance was rather good with about 15 peeps coming. But todae ended up with the pathetic 4. Was realli disappointed to receive "cannot make it" msgs during the start of this week. Initially, wanted to give up the whole idea, but luckily, her mum was realli enthu with this surprise thingy and realli has been a good help. Hope all the above 3 birthday babies enjoyed themselves and be blessed for the upcoming year.
Talking about birthday surprises, i can be labelled as the "old bird" for such stuffs. House surprise parties i had done it 3 times as the main organiser - one for Sec friend , one for JC pal and today's. Afterall, each one turned out a success. It's a good feeling to see all your good friends coming tgt to celebrate one's birthday. It dun take great efforts to organise such events anway, juz need the network !!!! Haha.
Oh yeah .... Star Awards is here. Update again !
Saturday, December 08, 2007
FYP sux !!!!
Been to the lab 5 days in the week, prepare for all the tests and doing new tests like characterizatin using SEM (scanning electronic microscope) .... hopefully my prof dun add in more tests for me ... Hee next week gng to take a day off to celebrate my bf's bdae .... hopefully he will enjoy the day with my planned programme ! Hee .... *cheeky****
Got so mani things on hands ... hopefully everything will goes off smoothly. Esp the FYP and the two events next week .... *praying realli hard* Gotta rest ... take care
Friday, November 30, 2007
Holiday month =)
Exams finally over. Can really indulge in enjoyment without school works on mind =) Imagine having 4 papers in 2 weeks ??? Burning my brain cells only ... Hahaha but i did catch some entertainments along the way, to keep myself gng .... tt's the reasons why i gotta to finish all the movies in the month of NOV. Haha ...
Well.. yesterday after last paper, set off to Vivo to celebrate Qiaoli's belated birthday... after much ponder, the 8 of us set on WHITE DOG CAFE, guess must b the name that appeal to us ... the food there wasnt bad, quite unique and special - like what i had : Deepfried breaded beef with special marinated sauce ... though serving is moderate, taste was satisfying. Caught the movie "The Tattooist" ... a warning to those who hates seeing blood scene, please avoid that movie though the story plot is good ...
Todae spent a day at the MIND cafe at Princept street near Plaza Singapura, gotta try out alot of new boardgames ... it is really a fun place for a whole grp to hang out !!! Haha ... went to catch a movie after that - "30 days of night" , gosh .... it's like SAW episodes ... it wasnt scary, instead i found the plot laughable .... Hehe ...
Another day is gone .. two more days to enjoy before laying my hands on FYP ~~~ Dun wanna think abt it .... Haha take care friends ...
Monday, November 05, 2007
Mugging Mood ?!

Yipee ... officially ended school todae, no more school days for me ~ Hurray , realli can start preparing for exams, time to cultivate the right mood .. hopefully to start tmr ! Juz came back home for a movie with Lionel at JP , we watched "the game plan" .. .realli entertaining , always keep me laughing, and of course , clapping away .... Was celebrating with Lionel his belated birthday , i treated him to dinner and i got a movie treat from him .... haha a great deal in fact !
Waa... another week would be the start of battle and the worse thing is .... no MOOD ! Flopped my 11 hrs run in the lab , gotta re-do the run again .. so sianz , but thanks to my understanding Professor Lim - stop lab session till exam ends ! He's a great professor =)
Hee ... last weekend went shopping at Orchard , realli miss the shopping experience and trying out of clothes ...spent a hundred bucks ! Hee had a nice meal at SUN with MOON (the Jap cafe) at Wheellocks place => fully recommended to try out the desserts ther , realli unique and unforgettable. Then on Sunday, had a great BBQ session at Laborator's Park, near to harbourfront centre., It's great to enjoy the windy atmosphere there , strong winds and peaceful ... juz sitting down ther, enjoying the beautiful sunset is nice ~~ But end up, i having sorethroat now ... haha bad !
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Yeah .. my new english composed song is out ! Haha .. got my inspirations from the journey which i have engaged in phases of life. Now left after exam for the filling of tune.
Through these long winding roads
Which many has walked with me
Here I am, hiding in a corner
Seeking comfort in this long darkness
Finding someone to confide in
And there you are, walked in my life
Through these dark lonely nights
When nobody listens to my heartbeat
There I am, lying on the bed
Finding reasons to keep my battered faith
Looking back the lost memories
And there you are, smiling back at me
Would you still listen
Would you still understand
As days carry itself across the sky
Would you still care
Would you still remember
As memories erase itself over the past
Through these crowds of people
Whom I meet but seems distant
This is me, the one you know
Trying means to understand this crazy world
Calling back the lost you
And there you are, holding out your hands
But I still remember ….. you.
Well well... projects are over soon & exams are round the corner, gotta have a gd rest before battling things out...of course not forgetting FYP lab this week and next week, since mani are not gng lab due to exam period, so i shall make full use of the lab ! LOL...****smart rite? Nowadays been hearing alot of conflicts between friends in their project groups * just the normal personalities clashes and also different thinkings. Luckily that din happen in my project grps. Cheers ~ cant wait to roam the streets this weekends !!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Dreadful Weeks ... before DOOM days !
Last weekends were spend staring at my laptop screen more than 12 hrs a day for compiling and checking of mistakes. The results of this ??? My eyes are now seeing white spot on watever things i see .. guess gotta rest is v impt now ! Heehe .. but thanks to my group members who helped me through the period, tasks are made easier and faster when everyone lends a hand ... the final report is finally done ! No more late nights for me ... Hurray ~~~
Next week is gng to be worse ~ 3 presentations consecutively : Prof communication presentation , follow by ID then IEM ! All are impt , esp Prof comm, it's 40% weightage sia .... Gotta buck up , but at least this weekend wont b so stressful for me le .. hehe shopping spree would be on again ....
Okay .. time for my eyes to rest le ... take care people , remember this : "don't do the wrong things for the right reasons !!!" read in depth ba !
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Nightmare - Week 10 is here !!!!
well... lately been reading alot on portrait sketching and music notes ... dunno why, since i came back from China, i seem to fall in love with ARTS ... Haha ... mayb too many unhappy happenings went by and only arts world can accomodate me ... Have started writing english songs .. hopefully can complete it asap ... Wait patiently ba =)
Anyway, i gotta go do AUTOCAD drawings for ID report le ... take care ! Hang in ppl ... another 6 weeks and the sem will be over .. looking forward to it !!!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Nice food @ Vivocity & Central...
Yesterday, had a pampering session - had ramen at RamenTen at Harbourfront Centre, then had Ben n Jerry's waffle sundae, superb nice but i still prefer the one i had @ Coldstone Creamery ! Hehe .. gng to hunt down that stall here in SINGAPORE ...
Yeah~~~ my lab chemicals had arrived .. can start on the experiment soon , now still packin my column and setting up the column tests. My "baby" is gng to be borned in the lab ... Cant wait t0 start on it on Monday .... This weekend i am gng to pia hard for the ID proj, though Sat & Sun i has hrs of tui cos PSLE started on Wed and gng to end on the coming Monday .. which means i am gng to be jobless soon =( hahaha ....
take care guys, week9 is coming .....
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
End of term break ... =(

On the right : Cecelia, Hwee ling, Shuqing, Yanni, Me & qiaoli
Photographer: Mr Tuan Qiang )
Just couldn't believe it ~~~ The one week term break just ended in a flash of light, no time for myself. Except for sunday, when i was able to go for a haircut @ kimage , got a new hairstyle , though i am not used to looking at myself yet .. LOL.
Yesterday was Yanni's 22nd bdae, organised a surprise bdae celebration during the lessons break. Asked some friends to join us and lured yanni to jp for lunch. Thanks to all who managed to join us .. though abit last minute invitation. In the end, a total of 12 people gathered at pizzahut for lunch tgt. We bought a bdae cake and gave her a surprise through the help of the Pizzahut crews. I requested their help in gettting the cake prepared and led the bdae song singing .... it was fun ! Haha ... End up, we missed the HRM lecture (though nobodi was realli int to go in the first place).
Guessed this week i gonna battle my time in finishing my part of designing the wastewater treatment plants. Juz wanna finish it asap. God , please help me !!! Though i still have to get back to lab and do my experiment .... Arggggggg .. where do i find my time .... haha
God bless me ...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hands busy in the LAB ...
I spent two days pounding big pieces of charcoal into bits and then gotta do sieving All these poundings and sievings for days finally ended todae, now my two palms are swollen and reddish ! Gosh ... but was happy with the final product - ~300 micron diameter charcoal size. My hard works pay off ... Todae basically din do much after lunch. Cos was looking around for ideas to do my column set-up and also to get the necessary stuffs from the technician. Then i went to help Yanni. But in the end i could not do anything cos the chemical she needed was missing from the toxic chemical shelves, someone took it and din return ... So ended up could not do anything ...
These days in lab was rather fun, cos me n my FYP partner made some stupid mistakes here and there .. was rather entertaining.. so who says FYP is boring ? Haha juz tt it's realli TIRED and STRAINING !!!!!! Yeah .. tmr off-day, cos gotta go for the networking session in the evening till nite time. wonder how's the whole session would turn out ...
Been having dreams nowadays ... and someone would appear in it without fail in every dream .... guess this is realli "ri you suo si, ye you suo mong" .... when can i untie this knot in me ? *sigh*
K gng to do other projects le ...
Njoy the school term break ~~~~
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Latest update : Marg is sick ! Haha ....
No la..todae juz had a quiz and a presentation. Seems like i am having my recess break from todae onwards since no much pressure. Currently working on FYP and ID projects ... hopefully the recess break would be spend meaningfully - to finish as much as possible , though i had realli packed my everyday piled up with works .. Hehe
Finally got Corrinne May's 3 albums from TQ recently .. Realli salute her singings ... Inspired me to write english songs .. - Will try to write a song out when i got the inspirations. FYP Lab starting soon, now juz waitin for the chemicals to be send in from the suppliers. Hopefully would be during the start of the recess .. and not towards the end !
Okay ... gotta relax myself le.. watching LIVE THE DREAMS now .. the dreamers realli know how to sing and live their dreams .... All the best, DREAMERs ! ! !
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Busy life ...
(The BBQ ingredients ...Making u drool ? ? ? Muahahaha)
This week've been rather busy ... similar to every other week .
Tuesday attended Exxon Mobil recruitment talk in the evening. It was a great talk in general, the speakers were interesting and full of passion - either it's real or juz pretence ? LOL. Anyway, i am quite interested in the job opportunities that the company provided; able to cross function over a range of scopes which i would realli like to try out ... esp business development. Hehe ... After the talk, went took pics with the usual cliches. Wanted to have the refreshments which were provided outside the LT, but the food was already filled to the brim on people's plate . Gosh ~~~Took quite a numbers of pics with Med, Xiaojun, Xiuye, Baoyun, Marg and Yanni. haha will pose up when i got the pics - the poses which we had were hilarious .
Wednesday was the busiest day of the week. After lessons in school, went for tui. After which, i rushed over to somerset Mrt stat to meet my SEC gang to go IMee's house at Bedok. Gosh .. it was a long ride on bus no. 14. Her condo was named "Costa del sol"; surrounded by rows of bangalows and condos. Took a few pics at her house. The view from her living room was magnificient with the seaview; juz opp her house would be East coast park - Bedok Jetty. WE had ard 3 hrs of BBQ session,and i was labelled as the "Fire starter queen" cos the rest do not know how to start Fire ! Gals... it's gd to learn this little skill. dun b too dependent on GUYS ! Haha . After the hearty spread, we walked over to Bedok jetty, enjoyed the sea breeze . Left her house ard 10.30pm, took a cab home- was juz too tired.
Thursday was the "Sick" day for me. Too tired..and was feeling restless. Haha. Boring day at sch...
Todae is the best .. NO school or rather i ponned one lecture. Haha. Planning to have a gd rest todae ... both my mental and physical states need a a gd rest ! Lol. Though some matters stil bother me alot. Juz cant make a decisive move. Noone can help me besides myself =( .
Friday, September 07, 2007
Too drained for anything ....
Everyday, 7-10pm is the fav period of the day, my eyes would b on the tv drama on channel 8.
7pm: "Qing You Ke Yuan" , a lively love drama series ... i guess i'm in love with the character HERMAN aka Haoxiang ... he's so cute , don't he ? Haha ... i love the way he smile , that kind of sincere perfect smile ... Haha ...
9pm: "Like Father Like Daughter", i love Joanne Peh character !!!! She've style ... Haha .. juz love the way she protray the image of a gangstress ! Seem so natural =P ...
At night, gng to do FYP literature review report ... wonder when will i ever finish it ??? Headache .. tmr i m gng to take the DAY off juz for pure entertainment ... might b shopping till my pocket burn hole .... HAha or might write inspirational songs ? LOL. Who noes ....
Week 6's coming !!!!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Day's out with Birdie
The show was not as fantastic as i tot it was ... same as License to Wed . Mayb i already had too high expectations on the shows before watching it . Thanks Bir for accompanying to watch , cos she already watched it in the US. Haha .. caught her falling aslp twice. Haha ... After that we had our dinner at pepperlunch. Hey .. the hamburger steak is nice, the beef steak was not tough at all, tasted special esp with the gravy.
After dinner, we decided to shop ard Orchard area .. walked around Wheellocks place and Taka .. and i saw lots of clothes which caught my eyes , gng to save up before i get them home !!! Haha ... As we walked, we chatted ... it was a comfortable feeling to be with her ... Though we almost knew each other for 10 years, it seemed like we juz met yesterday . Haha ... the bond between us was built on many obstacles we had over the past . With her, we could chat about everything ... nuttin seems to be secret ... LOL... Anyway, we call each other "Bir" which is abbreviation for BIRDIE , cos in sec days, we always like to crap ... haha ...
Cant wait to meet up with them next week !!! The 3 of us have planned to do sth stupid next WED ... Haa ... shall update again =P
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Oh .. i am FREE .. from all the problems within me . Finally sorted things out, and i finally can say i starting to understand her... todae no sch .. so i juz spent the whole mrng and afternoon sitting at a corner at home and i wrote this song ....
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Catching up with old beloved friends ...
Did i mention that Imee is back from Japan for a mth's holiday before she continues her studies over ther ? Haha .. so excited in seeing her .. it's been like 8 mths since we saw each other .... Meeting her on Tuesday for a cozy two people session over dinner i guess .... And then on Wed, gonna meet Bir to watch "Ratatouille" ... though Bir watched that in US , she dun mind watching with me again ... her reason being watch with diff people will have diff feel ... wat duh ?! But i fully agree la .. it's like finding the right partner to do certain things tgt is impt so as to enjoy ourselves !!! Haha .. cant wait for tuesday to come ......
Hopefully, the cming week wun b as stressful as this week ... Finding time to unwind myself... at least i could see everthing is falling in place ... Learning to accept things as it is ...
Eagerly waiting for Tuesday's arrival ....
Friday, August 31, 2007
Welcome back, my friends !
Well.. todae went school for one lecture only. The main purpose was to have lunch with Lionel - my counsellor. Haha talked about the stuffs which had troubled me for so long and future goals. It's great chatting with him, cos he offered good advice .. though afterall, the problem lies with me ... HAHA ! At least i got a answer to myself.
Week 4 has passed by .... this sem realli gone by in a flash. Without doing much and knowing it, it's week 5 next week. So mani things to do .. juz cleared my part on the IEM project, now gng to put my brains in the construction of a waste treatment facilities for the hygience centre in Cambodia. Hope things reali goes well .. for now, i shall juz take things step by step .... still handling well in schoolwork ... "stress" is not never a word in my dictionary !
Tmr planning to go visit my grandma after my tuition job.. hope she is getting on well ... k tt's all.... gng to plan next week outing with my great friends !!!!
****Hang on pals ! ***
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Every second is occupied .....
Never been so occupied until yesterday. After school, had project discussion till ard 6pm, before i headed down to Benppu at tiong bahru plaze to meet the secondary gang for dinner to celebrate peg's belated bdae as well as to welcome Bir from returning !
Had a nice meal ther, the ramen ther so-so la... but if u realli like hot spicy stuff, then u can try having the 8 chillis ramen, i only took the 2 chilli and i almost broke out in sweat ... Haha ... also had side dishes like fried tofu , fried cuttleball etc. Lastly, also had green tea ice cream for dessert ! Yipee... ate until my stomache bulged out ... LOL. It was great meeting up with the gang after 8 mths of separation .... Lots of things to catch up ... and we took neo-print !!! haha like lost touch with this for quite so time le .... a gd experience to try out after we grew old ...
Oh yesh..i also got my birthday present yesterday ... they bought me a Braun Buffel wallet ... looks graceful and realli nice !!! And Bir got me a adidas tee from the US ... fits me perfectly .. tt's the spirit of a friend - knows my size so well.... Haha thanks peep !!!!

Juz came back from the school ... now preparing the presentation slides ... then mayb gng to go JP to take the passport size pic for the networking resume .... so sianz .. reached home le still muz go out, somemore with the rainy weather ...AND worst is gotta wear formal for the pic ! Haiz..sianz ... no time for professional pic, so no choice gotta make do with it.
Shall update the gathering pics soon .... see ya ppl ... i gonna b busy this whole week !
Friday, August 24, 2007
bUsy Weeks ahead....
Tmr Birdie coming back le ... Planning to go to the florist and get her a small bouquet of flowers to welcome her back ... "acting" boyfriend lo, cos she is still single ba ... haha ... Alot of things to share with her when she is back ... gng to share China pics with her and also her US pics .... Haha so mani things to be shared ... not forgetting gossips/woes !!!
yesterday was a long nite for me ... at first i tot everything was settled but the fact showed me it's not ... SO i m still thinking whether to try talking again or juz give up. Yesterday a friend , named "xiao tie ren" sent me several motivating posters .... which i realli have to ponder hard ... Thanks to him to cheer me up the whole nite ... haha ... it's realli my fortune to have known him this sem .
One more thing .. i realised i've been drifting apart from my bf ... might be because of schoolwork and also all the friends' probs ... trying my best to spend more time tgt . ....
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
PojectSSSSSSS throughout the semester !
Last few days , i was troubled on some monkey business ... (~~~ what else matters to me besides friends ). Wonder how come human minds are so complicated (TT's apply to ME too). Why muz we think so much, shld have let my brain rest ... any cure for that ???? LOL. Anyway, i got a more fruitful answer to the whole matter .. so i am back to normal ~~~ HAHA
Actualli this sem, got acquainted to more coursemates thru projects ! And most of them make my time and efforts in the projects more worthwhile ... at least not tortuing experience =P Human politics are still everywhere .. trying my best not to get involved ... Hoping to have a happy semester ahead ~~~ so people , dun spoil my sem ...
Well.. todae i v happy ... also dunno why, mayb all my knots were untied ? Muz b ... cos i suddenly have the spirit to focus on one of the project - designing a community hygience centre for a village in Cambodia . Brainstormed all the ideas and came up with diff works so that we can spilt the workloads !!! Haha and also researched on some infos .... Great .. this proves that i am back on my feet , ready for all the battles .. thanks friend ! Haha ...
And yesh ... Birdie is coming back this Sunday, gng to the airport to pick her up ... cant wait to see her, afterall she is my best buddy !!! 3 more days ...
Drifting Apart ....
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Movie Marathon
Todae caught two movies - Dead Silence (DVD) and Secret . Both are interesting and superb ! Esp Secret ... The plot is v nice , unexpected ending ... Thumbs up for Jay ~~~ Watched the movie with Yanni and her bf - Bryan at Causeway point. Haha .. first time went on a double date ... cos since we two couples had already planned to watch the movie todae, so we might as well meet and watch tgt ... As for Dead Silence,i was tensed up during the whole movie , but wasnt as horror as expected ..
Nowadays, busy with all the projects on hand ! Currently the most urgent wan would b on the history of Cheng Ho's ... conducting research temp and gonna met up with the team members on Monday for discussion cos the presentation is due on Week 4 , two more weeks from now. Stressed !!!! Not forgetting the design of a toilet in Cambodia , gotta start to work on it ... realli hope this sem can pass by smoothly .....
GOD BLESS ME & fellow coursemates =P
Friday, August 17, 2007
海阔天空 or 逃避?
At first i tot i could put down everything and get back to life as normal .. but i realised i am quite a weak person .. the past keep haunting me & made me wondered every night.
Though i've got the answer to all the questions in my head .. somehow or the other, i only could force myself to accpet things as it is ; for no reason. *sigh* why does things have to be in this way ... such a weird situation ~~~ All i could persuade myself is this : "No one is perfect and people differs."
Todae met up with Lionel , my confidant for lunch at THE QUAD , had japanese udon meal. Not a bad meal .. chatted with him . Was planned to be a heart to heart session, but had two more friends joining cos we bumped into them. In the end, talked abt future career and exchanged some pointers in life . It was a nice session ... cos Lionel is realli a gd "philosopher" , always manage to console me and give me advice anytime .... A great friend , realli a blessing to know him in uni life.
Signed up for the Networking event held in Sept. Chose the General Engineering session which had big companies like Sembcorp Marine, Keppel , Singtel etc involved. It would b a gd chance to interact with the representatives, and also to get more info on the future jobs.
~~~~~~~~~Going for movie- The Secret tmr night - a double date session ... with yanni and her bf. Haha ... hope it would b great !
Another 9 days before my dearest friend - Birdie's return ..... cant wait for that day to come !!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Semester starts & troubled weeks!
Haiz .. been down lately. Struggled with a innner me ... the past scenes was haunting me every night - spent many nights thinking abt certain things , like how friendships can b so vulnerable , or people can realli forsake a friend so easily ... made a stupid decision on Sat evening , still waiting for a reply which i feel will never reach me ... This is gng to be the 3rd friendship i am gng to salvage and i hope it will turn out well.
Waiting .....
Friday, August 10, 2007
Geylang Food Trip with GIP gang
Met Jiaxin & C cube at Mrt control stat to set off to Aljunied tgt. Gathered with Mel at 8pm, and walked to Geylang Lorong 9th street to have our first meal - Beef Hor Fun. The street juz outside Mrt Stat was street 25, we had to walk all the way to 9th Street - but the walk was worth the long sticky walk. It was irresistable , muz try out ! Also ordered Oyster Omelette and Xin Jiang Xiao Pan Chicken from across the street ... Second meal was juz happened to be across the street, Mongkok Diam Sum ... Across over 10 servings of different diam sum, i still like the Prawn Dumpling the best !!! The skin was smooth and the prawn was big and fresh ! Then from 9th street, we walked all the way back to street 40 to taste Rochor Beancurd. To my disappointment, the beancurd here wasnt as nice as what i tasted at Rochor's street. But i fulfilled my taste bud la..and also was humoured by Steve, the joker ...
Generally, had a great time with the lot ... Sometimes, i would love to sit down with them at a cafe and juz chat the night off.... Nice peep to hang out with, though become less familiar with someone in the lot, still i believe these peep are great friends to hang out with .... lOVE THEM =p
Monday, August 06, 2007
Tioman Island -Diving Experience
The last weekends were a wonderful experience for me - here is how the trip goes ....
On friday , 3rd Aug, the four of us - Marg, Meixian, Dear & me gathered at Kranji Mrt station to wait for Alex - our coach. We saw our team mate- Alminz who is here to thediving course in order to be qualified to be a commercial diver ! Heard the pay not bad ~~~ but it comes with risk too . Alex came with a friend named Staurt in a SUV car, it fitted the 7 of us all the way into Malaysia. It took another 2.5 hr ride to reach Mersing from Johor. We reached Tim Motel at Mersing at ard 12 midnight and checked in. After which, we had roti prata for supper. *** Sinful meal ***
Sat mrng, we woke up ard 7.30am and had our breakfast at the reception. A mini van picked us and all our diving equipments to the Mersing jetty to board the diving sch personal diveboat. Another team from SP diving club joined us on the boat too. 3 hrs straight to our first dive site. All tgt i did 3 dives tt day .. at different islands near Tioman. Such names are Chebe island, coral island and marine park. Tell u sth - it's realli shiok to dive in the open waters ......cos i can swim with the fishes and also to view the beautiful and amazing underwater life -- THUMBS UP ! Once in the water, the fear of all danger and all tots disappeared, i put all my focus on exploring and to look out for my buddy who is my bf la. Had lunch after the 2nd dive at Tioman island - lunch wasnt tt good cos the dishes were juz maggie mee in soup, fried goreng and fries. Din eat much cos i was afraid that i would puke on boat. Cont the 3rd dive till 7 plus in the evening before checking in the resort chalet at Tioman island. Ang mohs were everywhere .... most tourists there went there for diving/ snorkeling. Dive shops and souvenirs stalls lined the streets , not to mention SEAFOOD restaurants ! Had our dinner at a chinese restaurant .... One nice dish named INDO Prawn tasted SUPERB -- the curry gravy was shiok !
Sunday mrng was bright and sunny, had nasi lemak on boat for breakfast ... M'sia lasi realli tasted better !!! Went snorkeling and 2 dives after breakfast. This time round the visibility was better in both dive sites .. and also i got to see MORAY EEL and most types of corals... Also gotta touch starfish and sea cucumber ! Saw alot of beauriful marine fishes ... such as angel fishes, hunchhead , grouper etc. Went back to the resort chalet to bathe before setting out for Mersing . It took us exactly 3 hrs to reach Mersing,no wonder i was sun-burnt !!! Turned "red" all of a sudden cos i was sunbathing for almost 2 hrs , enjoying the sea breeze ... the feeling was so great ! Slowly falling in love with the sea ....
Back in Mersing ard 5.30pm, drove all the way back to johor for dinner ! Had dinner at a chinese seafood restaurant which served also Wing Satay, the famous delicacy there ... we also ordered herbal chicken, indo prawn, butter prawn, deer meat hor fun, ommettete mee etc. Had a v nice dinner there ....
Overall... it's gng to be a memorable diving trip for me cos it was my Virgin diving trip !!! Haha ... looking forward for more diving trips to come ... =P
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Scuba Lessons

Hey hey .. i juz took up scuba lessons and is ready for the showdown at Pulau Tioman this friday to Sunday. LOL. so excited and yet fearful. Cos after undergoing these two days of basic training lesssons in the pool and the theory lessons, realised the risks involved ... so somehow will feel frightened... juz hope everything goes smoothly in the open water dives. ***GOD BLESS ME !
Everyday, we went all the way to Tanah Merah mrt stat to take the 10.30am shuttle bus to SAF Yacht Club at a pretty ulu place ... On this bus, we would meet our assistant coach DEAN ALAN LAWRANCE - a young ang mo which captivates Marg ! Haha ... always sit beside her wan ... As usual, the four of us with sleepy looks appeared in front of the Coach Alex. Alex is a nice person overall, juz tt he got a picky tongue ... and he's damn good in "motivating us.... The first day i was there, he gave me a new name - Felicia ... Dotz ! And he call Meixian "Lulu" ... So funny... enjoyed the lessons with him..cos he's always tt funny... Haha. The 1st 3 hrs would be Theory lessons which we would go through the textbook in details; in betweeen got small loo breaks. Then follow by lunch break at ard 1 plus ... there's only a cafe/restaurant there,so without any choice, we settled our lunch over there BUT the Hor Fun there is Nice at the price of $4.80 after staff discounts (by our Coach) !!! I ate that for two days le ... The fried rice is also one of the recommendation by our Coach. And i realised during lunch, Dean realli like spicy ... he would gobble up the whole plate of red chilli... Salute him - dunno tt ang mo likes spicy stuffs. Haha..
The pool sessions were bad .. 1. Due to the rainy weather 2. Cos we are new to all the equipments 3. Cos i am a NON-SWIMMER 4. I am DENSE ... LOL .. Trying hard to master the skills .. will try to tackle all the problems in tioman on Sat in the open sea ... Gambatte , i believe i can do it !
Well ... Wait for more updates k .... when i m back on Sunday Nite !! Wish me luck and safety ...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Steamboat + Kbox nite
The usual ones turned up : Whyeheng, me, mel , shan, yekai, pauline and zhizhong + Steven (Wh's buddy). Had our dinner at the Zhen Fa's Live Seafood , the famous one amongst rows of steamboat buffet. LOL . . . Was lucky enuff to get a table there (Guessed we were still earli though we reached ard 7.30pm). Din eat much cos of my sore throat and also muz watched my diet le, cant grow FATTER .
Discussed on where to head for the KTV session => final decision was to sing @ Kbox at Lot 1. So everyone took the train over except for yekai and pauline who did not join in. A disappoinment was that Kbox there does not offer overnite singing till 6am , instead the shop will close at 3am. So we paid for the package like $32 pax for 6 person and started singing at 11pm. The price was like at least 6 times steeper compared to Hao Le Di in Shanghai, regretted to start singing in Shanghai during the last 2 mths. The singing session was great, guessed everybodi enjoyed themselves ... though the timing was short , next time shall stat singing from 7pm !!!!
Today (SAT) went to visit my Grandma in the evening with dear after a long sleep .... Dear drove all the way from Boon lay to Tampiness .. Xin Ku him le. Though me and my grandma did not chat much, but i could tell from her expression that she was happy to see the two of us. After which, had a chat with my auntie, realised that my grandma's dementia had been getting worse ... and all she hopes is to see us more often. I shall do that !!! Shall spend more time with her ... Esp when we were leaving, the sad look on her face, made my tears uncontrollably flowed. People who knows me well will know that i am a super emotional gal, i cried easily .. esp things to do with my loved ones. Tt's where the phrase " Appearance does not mean anything!" depicts well .... Hahaha. Anyway, was grateful that dear was there to console me , cheering me up ... *sigh*.
okay gotta had my beauty sleep le .. tmr might be gg to visit my grandma again ... Gd nite!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Scuba Diving - Here i comes !
Haha .. cant wait to feel the fishes and corals underwater , and also to get up close to the beautiful seaworld .. haha One more week to go .. shall wait patiently. This week been rather busy ... everydya is packed with stuffs . Like monday evening , hitched a ride from my bf's uncle to m'sia , so that i can get to make my contact lens there - reason being HALF PRICE !!! LOL. Had my dinner at WANG JIAO HK CAFE ... the servings there like giant's , all in big plates and glasses. Scary ... but i muz admit that the hor fun there got standard ... cant wait to get in m'sia again ... Tuesday went to ............ i forgot sia !!! OMG - realli short-term memory .. tt's the point of having blog everyday. Haa... Wed accompanied bf's grandma to SGH for check-up . Today met marg to get the manuals from the diving instructor at Raffles City.
Okay ... shall end here ... gng to meet the GIP gang tmr . Hope to have fun ....
******************************I NEED MORE SLEEP**********************************
Monday, July 23, 2007
SwImmInG PraCtiCe
Haha .. then over the weekends, been rather busy in visting my bf's aunt in NUH. We visited her everday, to keep her company. It's rather lonely to be hospitalised, it's always best to have companion. Sat played mahjong with bf's aunts and bro. Haha won over $10 plus . It's not abt the money, it's just abt the fun of the game.
Todae i gng swimming again. Gng to pratise my swimming skills again ~~~ Hehe hopfully it wun rain Gng in M'sia tonite with my bf's uncle, gng to make contact lens from there cos it's CHEAPER ! Haha .. gng for m'sia seafood later i guess ... haha .... k shall update again ...
GNG out liaoz ... tata ~~~
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Supper everyday ...
Now workplace has shifted to Ang Mo Kio, damn far ... but Dear still offered to pick me up .. so gd of him . Haha ... well, have decided to go for scuba diving lessons, but first i muz learn how to trap water !!! So u will see me soaking in swimming pool often, muz aquire tt skill soon ~~~ Now got a new task to do, gng to work on the business liaoz, guess i would be more busy lately. Voice also has not fully recovered ... still hoarse-sounding ... but still able to get sales la ... muz b my sexy voice .. hahaha =P
Todae supposssed to go gym with Marg wan, but due to the rain earli in the mrng, we decided to postphone to next week le ... Haha ...
More updates soon of my busy life ~~~
Juz hope the daily supper sessions wun make me FAT !!!! Muhaha.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
So sad that now two of them are overseas now ... and the other two are busy with their own things .. So what i can do now is just to play my part a friend .. i dun ask for anything , cos i dun believe in contributing equally in friendships. Time does not determine the bond, but it's the mutual trust and understanding that made the bond ... Like in the poem, i know the special ones will be there for me when i needs them ... *** Blurted alot of craps rite ****
K la..enuff of my craps ... gng to watch show liaoz .. take care peep ! I am in the midst of Writing another song ... Haha
S57 Gathering
Went to Marina Square , theres this restaurant named "Xing Wang" HK cafe . The prices there are reasonable, and the atmosphere there is great for chilling out ... Cos can stay till 3am. But of course we did not stay till so late la ... after a heartful dinner, we walked over to esplanade. Wanted to go DXO pub , but cos it's fully packed, so we juz went over to Starbucks at Suntec city and chit chatted. Talked craps and also about each other's course and stuffs etc. It's nice to be able to catch up with some friends once in a while ... afterall, it's always hard to have gathering tt often.
Here are some of the pics we took in the cafe :
The prices are as follow :
- Fish Hor fun = $7.90
- Yuan Yang Milk tea = $2.90
- French Toast = $3.90
- Baked Rice = $8.90- $10.90
The rest i dun remember liaoz...hahaha Try it out ~~~ It's nice ...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
InSpiRatIons ....
"A friend drops their plans when u're in trouble,
shares joy in ur accomplishments,
feels sad when u're in pain.
A friend encourages ur dreams and offers advice
- but when you don't follow it, they still respect and love you."
- Doris W. Helmering
"Friends are there when your hopes are raveled and your nerves are knotted;talking about nothing in particular,
you can feel the tangles untwist."
- Pam Brown
Actually i can say that i am thankful to god for letting me know so mani friends of mine, of which a few i can share my happiness and woes with. Some unexpected friends came along in different phases of my life, making a difference in becoming who i am todae. From a recent friend i made, i have understand that no matter what a person i am, a friend will still b a friend and likes me as who i am. I dun need mani true friends, juz a few who i can share my joy and happines with ... it's realli hard to find friends who click well and help each other grow...
Realli hope that these friends will walk with me down the future path .... no matter where i am, my heart will always have a room for them . i cant promise them much. but i will try my best to b there with them in times of needs ; to learn a listening ears , as well as a shoulder to lean on.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Infected with Sick Bugs !
Todae, had lunch at Maxwell food centre, missed the nice food there .... had Fish Bee Hoon and Chicken rice over there. Guessed todae will give the dinner a miss, no much appetite also .... hopefully will recover soon... ahha ...
Oh ya, lately went to the library and borrowed a book named "Chicken Soup - for the girlfriends' souls" . It's superb ! From all the stories in the book, i learnt alot of thing abt friendship too ... How friends come along in diff phases of life , and it's rare to have a friend who knows all ur bad pts and yet are willing to accept who u r .... If u guys have the time, go ahead and borrow this book ... it's nice and inspiring !!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
rUN .. Work ... Play
Then i headed straight to NTU SRC running track .... it was ard 8.30pm , and i started my jog after some stretching ! So surprised that i managed to run 3 rounds without stopping .. then rested by taking walks .. then continued my jogging ... a total distance of 3.6km for the first time i jogged after some mani years !!! hahah already a gd achievement .... ~~ shall try longer distance next time , shld b either tmr or wed ... time to get fit !!!
gng on to work later in the evening .... though i am feeling sick again .. having sore throat ! Singapore's weather realli cursed me sia..keep on getting sick ... tt's why muz exercise more to keep myself healthy ~~~~ hope to get gd sales todae ....
See ya guys ...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Embraing Nature
With a vehicle , it is easy to travel around to mani places , wherever i feel like gng..... i picked East Coast Park to be my destination for the day. Wanted a place where i can enjoy the company of nature. Though east coast was packed with families todae, i still managed to take a stroll down to Bedok Jetty. Along the way, took a short break at the water ski area, saw skier performing stunts ... Awesome ! At the jetty, saw mani anglers trying their lucks .... stopped there, sitting at a corner, listened to the sea breeze and feeling the cool air patted on my face ... Wonderful feel ~~~ One short period there made all my problems and troubles blew away... at least can relax my soul and mind for some time. wil go ther often.
Tmr planned to go jogging .... Time for some serious exercise , also a good way to calm minds and soothe one's exhaustion.
48 days more to go before my dear friend will be back .. looking forward to that day ....
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Off - Day
Then, met dear at JP for dinner late evening ard 8.30pm. Had Mos Burger , tried out the new shrimp cutlet burger and the green tea dessert ... Yummy ~~~ realised in China, did not have Mos Burger stalls. Then went to HarveyNorman to develop photos , current on promotion - 4R print only for 19 cents each .... so i developed a whole lot , like 360 pieces of which around 40 pieces are in doubles . So careless of me ***sigh*** spent a total of $60 +++ , still cheaper than usual price, luckily i din develop in China. Muahaha ... gng to send some doubles to Bir in US soon ..
So happy to receive Bir's email yesterday, she sent me pics in Miama ... she actually got the chance to swim with Dolphins !!!!! So envious ... Haha .. guess i shld try higher challenge to swim with big whales ???? Haha ... Juz kidding ..cos my swimming skills could not make it sia ... gng to start swimming with dear next week onwards , cos i am gaining weight v fast all the food that i tried since i came back ... Muz go on diet soon liaoz .... seriously, din realise i share this special bond with chun last time, only when we were separated far apart, then we realised .... luckily it's still not late to realise tt ... Suddenly remembered the times when me n her first met ..... we juz clicked with each other too fast and became gd buddies and netball mates ... normally, friends who clicked well too fast wun lasts ... but on my side, i would surely treasure this special bond .. cos it's v hard to click so fast with someone .... juz fate !
Yesterday nite, made two sales , of which one customer made me spent an hr chit chating with him then he signed up ... OMG ... though i dun mind la, cos he's entertaining !!! Haha ... guessed my psycho-ing skills improved alot ... and i know how to tok craps with customers too ~~~ sometimes some customers i encountered are realli funny ... like since i started work 2 days ago, already got two customers wanted to introduce their sons to me ... OMG, cant they see the ring on my finger ???? Haha ... funny sia =P Mayb i am juz a gd catch ? Muhahahah ... anyway, it's great to interact with different people from different backgrounds, made me learn alot of things .... THINK human resource department shall be my working field next time ??? Haha ...
Okay ... watching "Exorcists- the beginning" now on chnl 5 .... nice show ..... shall update soon.... Take care pals ...
"Happi 45th Month Anniverary dear ! "