Friday, June 11, 2004

Back To Home

Hi Hi i am finally back from chalet...So sianz but the whole 3 days rather enjoyable la, got the company of Geraldine,so blur wan, Her blur ability can be compared to me sia =) Haha 1st time BBQ so successful as we could finished up all the food but the 3 of them went LS sia...Dunno wat they ate la...Bomb the Toilet till got *stinky* Smell.... Eeeee
The 2nd day we went cycling and watched midnight Harry Potter movie, thought the whole story is shortened,the plot and casts are still worth watching la,so jie mei men,make time for this show k,quite worth $$ la,2 hrs plus leh .... Oh ya,this morning we was awakened by Cats !!!! ***** Highly RA(They kinda make weird voices as if ghosts moaning lidat,but actually the male cat is horny and was calling for mating partners,So Er Xin ! ) **** The 3 days of chalet juz ended with Maggie mee as our breakfast .... So sianz,after chalet still nid to go to give tuition,can die sia !!!!
Hey Ching, u go ahead and organise a mahjong session la,must show u n janice that i not tt jialet k,always sae i Za Hu ! Once only wat ... Do inform me when u find enuff players la ! Okay le ... Gng to bed liaoz ... tmr morning still got tuition ! =) hee

P/S: Chun,Where's my souvenior ???


peg said...

hahaha... jan say we wan mahjong can go her house but she'll be in her room studying.. ppl studying le.. u hao yi si go disturb with our 'washing' tiles sound ma!! hahaha...

Anonymous said...

hahaa...shi fu wana 'bi guan xiu lian'..but think she had mastered a skill tt she can 'switch off' her sense of hearing during the mahjong session bah..heee...anyway..still wish tt one day she can 'take one day off' frm study..relax and play wif us for a day..cos shi fu always win!!hahaa..its time to let us take over her place if she wana study..we all go her house tutor her la..if she need our help..and also train up ah mei(liwei) as a superb mahjong player..wahaa..vjie ah!!hahaa..y only 3 of them LS besides u..u add poison to their food ah?!!aiyo..hahaa..almost watching midnight show wif chun and peg last time when we sleepover at peg's house..but somehow didnt do it..cos movie only show half wat the original book had written..den not nice le..haa..glad u haf enjoyed ur chalet...:)

Xiuchun said...

wat?? i didnt see the last sentence..

hahaha..nice to hear that u had a great time with ur dear dear and liwei and her dear dear..

u remind mi i 3 weeks no teach tuition liao!! die ah..this week i cant go work..sian is killing mi...i might be quitting the whole world calling mi to quit..

i wana go mahjong!!

peg said...

janet.... is that the one from OSS?? haha... blog hopping ehh?? ching ar... V MUZ have put LS poision la.... muahahha....

Anonymous said...

wahaha..chun!!y u gona work on weekdays??!!!nbm la...u will be spiritually wif us when we are playing