Monday, June 07, 2004

happy day

hi .. todae ching's birthday,went marina for steamboat,it's ah ching's treat !!! think she spent a bomb la.... ate alot of junk food (oily + burnt) !!!! but overall the ambience is great n it's a enjoyable gathering, can feel tt ching is v happy so all our presence is fully appreciated !!!! btw b4 the steamboat,i had a busy day sia.. woke out ard 8.30am then went tuition 9.30am slot,then continue till 1pm....sianz,v sleepy sia ....then went SGH visit my granpa, great tt he can b discharged tmr, so tmr i will b gng to fetch him home le.... gonna b another busy day !!! haiz .... todae tt peggie v jialet,made me,ching(bdae gal & yenling waited for her .... hope she will b punctual next time !!! k le,i gng to bed now le,nitez


Anonymous said...

haa...thanks for the presents..hehee..yea yea really enjoy myself!!anyway..hope ur ah gong is alright le..

Fei said...

hey V-jie.. Eileen here :) link u up kk?

The Bag Whore said...

eh! why your post so short?! LONger!!
i'm B O R E D... ... ... ... ...

peg said...

aiyo.. mehmeh ar... going ard read blog for that toopid reason~~ haha... v aiya.. late abit abit only!!! >_<

Xiuchun said...

haha..missed u that day..working..anyway glad u enjoyed the day with ching! come more to our gatherings la!!

Xiuchun said...

ai yo bir ah..can link all ur frenz up or not..only link peg..always read urs liao have to go back mine to get to other's page..

Anonymous said...

mahjong not?..vjie..haaa..

Anonymous said...

mahjong not?..vjie..haaa..

The Bag Whore said...

u VERy biased!! why dun haf my link?!?! lets ALL go exercise together leh..go p.ubin to cycle..ecp oso can..go wcp do taichi...or ecp canoeing...or some pte pool to swim..(oOpz dis one cannot cuz chun no swimming costume hhahaha) oh oh lets all take up fencing!!