Sunday, June 10, 2007

9 Days Left...

This week had been a tiring week. Tt's why i fell sick on Thur, had a v bad headache, immed
after work, went straight home to nap.

Friday, a long day for me, as roomie, King toot and Qiaoli set off to 7 pu for shopping once again. Guess it would be the final showdown for shopping at 7 pu. Actually, i learnt great bargining tactics in China. And i m becoming more confident in myself - this trip has proved to be a fruitful wan, though the work experience wasnt much and my social circle wasnt fruiful. It's k . friends do not have to be in great numbers, juz a few friends with common interest and sincere would do .. great to foster new friendships over here which i felt contended.

Well.. back to the shopping part, i went shopping with king toot, think we shopping from 11am to 5pm ? Dead .. think i spent another 550 rmb on tt day itself. Haha ... but i think it's worth it cos its for friends and relatives ... After this hearty shopping spree, we set off to people square in a cab to look for agency for the Huangshan trip. But first, we alighted at Steakking for a nice dinner .... had sirloin steak and Red tea ! Yummy ~~~ guess i would missed the food here ... With big black plastic bags in our hands, we walked ard people square vicinity and enquired mani tour agencies to seeek the best tour package, took the pamplets home for discussions. At nite, had a short meeting and ended up chose "Da tong" tour agency package which costed 558 rmb pax.

On Sat, earli in the mrng, Yanni came to my house. As i could not wake up in time, i asked her to come my hse and waited instead. We waited for Qiaoli to wake up and call the suit maker at 16 pu , before we set off to make blouses. 16 pu is known for tailoring suits. Most of the GIP grp made their suits and shirts there. Actually i was suppossed to accompany Yanni to make her blouses, but ended up i made 3 myself ! hahaha ... the design sample i saw wasnt bad, so i chose 3 different designs, hopefully it would turn up nice ..... At the building, i oso bought 10 shawls, intended to give my bf's aunties ... and my aunts too ! Hahha ... After that, we went to Shanghai old street to look ard, bought some souvenirs and bags ! Then i brought Yanni's to this Fu you Building which sells all the small little souvenirs type. My eyes and hands v itchy wan, always see nice stuffs will juz get .. haha guess when i returned and unpack my luggages and parcels, will end up having extra stuffs ! hhhaa ... The next destination was to bring her to this spectacle mall at Shangha railway station where King toot met us ther too. Its a underground building with all the specs shops gather. Haiz.. as i couldnt control myself, i got another pair of specs . Hahaha .... 170 rmb for a pair, with Uv and radiation protection. Anyway, its cheap ... so made another pair also k ...

After sending Yanni off in a cab to meet her parents at the bund, me n toot went off for dinner. I brought him to salvaeriya (think spelling wrong) for dinner. COs last time Marg brought us ther before, the western food they served qutie cheap and also in big servings. Not bad .... Went home ard 8 plus. At nite, met The ktv khakis for KTV ovenite session. Had a big room for 210 rmb . the 5 of us took turns to sing, till toot got knocked out ard 4am. Sang till 6am before all set home for our beauty sleep. Woke up ard 12pm , met toot for lunch at 1pm. Waa piang .. now v full. Gng to rot at home whole day liaoz... see whether tonite got the chance to go mahjong session ba ..

Take care my friends ... see u all in 9 days time !

p/s: IN this independent life, i realised that most ppl tends to b selfish, only think for themselves and not for others. ** haiz*** i grown up again ! hahah

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