Okay .. i shall start on depicting my friday life....
Friday, as usual, went to SHJTU earli in the mrng to attend the courses . Went to the sch canteen and bought nice breakfasts @ 5th Ave Cafe - the cafe sells western breakfast such as sandwiches with coffee/milk tea . One set costs abt 3rmb-8rmb, depending on the types of sandwiches. I find the sandwich quite nice and the milk tea is uniquely smooth .... attended the course on culture exchange , was a boring one , everyodi in the class all fell aslp halfway thru the lessons other than me n mel,think we are the most awoke ones .... poor Prof Lu, he muz have felt depressing to see students sleeping.... as for the han yu class , the situation was worse as most of the students were either chatting among themselves or fell aslp . Until after the break, the prof decided to have discussions over our cultures and theirs. This was more interesting ~~~~ COmpared to juz listening to her "teaching", we had a chance to interact with her ... the topics discussed were on THEFTS , Shanghainese Cultures (like pushing/kiasu-ing) etc. Was quite entertaining ....
After the long day at the uni, we (the 1601s + yingsi + jiaxin) went to 曹杨路, as our dear Marg wanted to get her comics after she knew tt Yuan Shan has gotten hers ther . At tt place , we shopped happily. Firstly, i brought the gals to the Shoe Store where the shoes are selling @ Lowest price compared to other shops like 7 Pu's. I bought a pair of heels that costs 39rmb(other places selling @ 55rmb). Everyone's got their own heels except for Marg , she din buy coz the pattern she wanted did not have her size ... *** Disappointment
Anyway, along the street of the comic shop, i saw this "huge" dog which looks like lion, it's cute , isn't it .. he was attracted to a shop where the owner was having a Big Meat Bun on her hand .... and the dog went in,in the end , it fininshed the whole bun ... then at the pavement, this dog became the center of attraction - people was snapping photos and patting it ... ***Anyway, first time i wasnt afraid of dog....
After shopping ard the comic shop area, then we went in to this mini flea market ... was like Sing's pasar malam .. n nuttin much to buy ... we spilted up into small grps and shopped ard... me n mel after shopping @ the flea market , we went out and shopped at its vicinity .. Bought some ankle socks. Then we came into this shop which sells mani bags .. Mel took fancy of a few but in the end she bought one of them .... Muz control !!! Haha .. i bought one diesel wan.. loooked unique ... hehe Can say that mani of us had some "harvest" !!!! We ate at KFC coz at that place , mostly for shopping , food restaurants very few ... in the end reached home @ 10.30pm , slept earli as Sat gng Nanhui , meeting the prof at loyang stat @ 8am.
Saturday morning woke up half an hr later than usual as loyang stop is only a 10mins walk from our hse .. ** pity the Puxi ppl, they have to take a 90mins journey to here ba.... haha ... Prof Lu was earli, think he was the first to arrive ... We took this 龙大线 bus at loyang's interchange. The bus is those mini buses , our 29 ppl v fast filled up the whole bus seats .... the other passengers had to stand....*muhahaha
The journey took us abt 2 hrs to reached this "Flower orchid" park .... Along the way , when we reached this village (not rural kind), plains of Tao Hua and sights of colourful flowers caught my attention .. it was a beautiful sight - a sight which i could not have seen it back home... if possible, will want to stay a day out at those native's home and immersed myself in the "flowery" scent and relax myself .... not long, we reached the park and Wenjie (our leader) went to get the tics (costs abt 54rmb) pax.
Generally , the park is humogous ... filled with flowers (mainly tulips). After taking a grp pic at the entrance of the park , everybodi spilted up and walked in small grps on their own. My grp consisted of Me, Mel , shann mr. whye heng. We toured ard the place, mostly varieties of tulips !!!! Think my fav flowers now shall be tulips ???? haha .. took alot of pics (esp lying beside beds of TUlips !!!! The feeling is so SHIOK ! ... think the pics can descibe what i have seen (i do not think i could express the heavenly sights in words ) ...
here are some of the pics :
We spent quite some hrs ther , like from 2 hrs ... to walk finished the whole cicumference. After touring this area, the prof arranged for the 28 of us to board a mini shuttle bus to go to "世外桃源" , a place where tao hua blooms ... OMG ... the place is full of Tao Huas (pink & white) .. it's like Tao HUa plantation ... paid 36 rmb to enter ... actually nuttin much to see in ther ... juz admired the tao huas ... then this mischievious JUN QIN went to be 採花thief . He plucked a few stalks of Tao Hua ... *** best !!!! Then as me n mel were feeling hungry, we went to hunt for food . Luckily, there's a shop selling chicken mee hoon .. tasted nice ... btw ,here are some pics we took there :
(***The one wearing Red is JUN QIN & the other guys is PETER .... )
Well ... after the "flowery" trip ... we set off for home ... another 2 hours back home. Wanted to sleep on the bus wan ..but as i was sitting at the back of the bus , kept on knocking my head on the seats when the bus rocked violently. OMG .. think had 4 bumps on my head .. Could not sleep at all ... so sad =( The prof went off halfway along the journey back home .. our whole class wanted to treat him to dinner, but guessed gotta wait for another time .. Prof Lu is a nice prof ,he is v enthu to bring us look ard ... whr to find such a prof ???
Anyway .... when we arrived at Loyang stat , the grp of us went for dinner at a Hongkong Restaurant . I ate this sausage chicken claypot rice - tasted nice ... but the portion is big ... this is the pic :
Well after this hearty dinner, whye heng n shan jio me n mel to go play mahjong nearby our hse .. of course i am fine with it .. missed mahjong since i reached here .. but juz when we were settting off to the place , it started to drizzle .. so we went back to my room and played DAIDEE instead ... had a fun time playing ... Coz MEl kept on playing the wrong cards .. lolx... muz teach her more .. though i know she isnt into this kinda games ... after 11.30pm then me n mel went to bathe ... think we slept ard 2am coz after bathing..decided to do our stuffs ....
OKay .. after a long day on Friday and Sat , today (Sun) , i decided to rot at home ... i woke up ard 10am , then ordered wai mai with mel ... the other 4 hse mates now alrdy went out , only me n mel stayed at home ... i decided to watch heroes and watched tv ba..mayb taking a nap later on ...
Watch out for more updates soon .... =P
Been drizzling n windy nwadays !!!