Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hungry monsters !!!

Hi people ,

v v v sad to realise that recently my appetite has grown bigger , i think most of the GIP students in Shanghai felt the same too ba =P . this mayb due to the cold weather , coz in order to keep warm , gotta eat ! and of course store more fats rite ~~~ Aiya , juz hope when summer comes , can do some running liaoz. Guys, time to get track shoes liaoz .... hahaha

Now i am in the office doing the same routine , waiting for the lunch hour to come ba. think in anther 30 mins, when the clock strikes 11.30am. Shall wait patiently lo. No choice also. Eh can start thinking of what to eat later though it will be "mixed rice" . Juz hope the dishes available today would be nice . Oh ya , forgot to update that the people here eats salty stuffs wan. Every dish is salted to a degree tt sometimes i could not take it . Jialet , wonder when i return to Singapore will my tastebud be still working properly ma , lolx .

Ytd dinner , we ordered "wai mai" , 3 dishes and a soup with 5 rice. Ytd had dinner at home with Mel, Marg , Whyeheng and Meixian. QIaoli & SHimin wanna take something plain so they cooked poridge instead . Anyway , Ql is down with diarrheao lo, hope she recovers fast ! By the way , forgot to write in my blog tt on my birthday , Whye heng actually gave me a "fei lun hai" biscuit , realli kind of him la , i appreciated tt ! Ytd meal was nice and fulfilling . Oh ya had a secret to tell . Coz me,mel n marg was at home when the delivery man sent the food , n when we saw the rice quantiy , we decided to scope our share to whye heng's and meixian's. V funny lo , when the 2 of them came home , they tot that the shop realli gave alot of rice wan and commented that next time we could share the rice liaoz....hahahhaha i'm so sorry Xian and Heng ! wahahah.

Well well , after dinner routine was to watch show from my labtop. Ytd was watching , quite an old show , but it was realli nice lo. I love those fire-fighting show , they're realli heroes to me ! Hehe .. though watched halfway, chatted with dear on webcam . Then felt like sleeping at ard 10pm so ended the conversation. I went out to brush my teeth and went to QL and Marg's room to KPO abit. When i returned to my room , saw Mel was alrdy alsp under her blanket. So i helped to cleared her labtop away. Too bad , woke her up again . Ytd wanted to slp in Marg's room wan , but tot of the hard bed , made me considered twice. I was abt to go and ask mel to leave me some space to slp on her bed when she woke up and walked out of the room, i even got a scare lo. I can say , since i came here , my sense of fear is v great lo. So after a while , i juz went to bed with Mel at ard 10.20pm. Realli nice to sleep earli la , i can see tt my lifestyle changed liaoz.I gonna be a earli sleeper coz i cherish my life ! Hahah ... k la... gng for lunch liaoz ... update again tmr .

Take care all my frends ....

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