Saturday, March 17, 2007

SJTU tour ...

Today was like yesterday .. had a boring day in university studying history. Boring .. but i love SATs coz on half day then like 11.50am can leave sch. Todae was special as after the lessons , we went to the SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNI (SJTU) MINHANG CAMPUS , the newer one to have a small tour. Though the attendance wasn't gd , but at least 15/28 out of total people turned up. Anyway , the school arranged a big comfortable coach for us . It took us abt 1 hr to reach the venue lo, almost fell aslpon the rocky journey.

Once we reached the campus, i had a big shock lo. The campus is v v v v (x100 size of NTU) big. Think if the students wanna travel from blocks to blocks , gotta take the shuttle bus or cycle ba. Ah bor can walk until die. Hehe .. when we alighted from the coach , everybodi was rubbing their tired eyes . Think after the history lessons in the mrng,the mood all dampered . Firstly , we were brought to this audi where they were abt 4 students waiting . Shortly after , they introduced themselve and gave us a brief idea of SJTU history and Shanghai's . After which, all of us had to self-introduced oursellves. Then those SJTU students tried to make us enthu abit more by "forcing" us to say something abt shanghai. Bua tahan lo .. din know NTU students not spotaneous wan , in the end let the 2 NUS exchange students talk ! ..... Oh well ... no comments. Then we were brought ard the campus in coach. We came to this entrance gate where big words of "Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni" in chinese in front of the gate and we took pics ther. U know omething, some gates actually costs 5 millions RMB to be builT ? Wondered how much does the whole campus costs >> shld be billions ! Then we walked long distance to this EE (electrical engr) block to see the history of SJTU. There were exhibitions on the past history of the uni . Not bad, have increased my knowlledge . Also got the chance to interact with the SJTU students, they were a bunch of nice people. Anyway , also got irritated by some childish acts during the tour but din spoil my mood eventually. Was enjoying the trip with Roomie.

The trip ended like 3 hrs. And the coach took us to CAO BAO rd and let us alighted. We were hunting for some dinner places where the restaurant "小肥羊" caught our eyes and we juz went in . todae was special as we had 3 people joinin us , they are Ying Si, JIa xin and Zhi ZHong. Anyway,Ying Si and Jia xin are newly added members of our "gang" ... .The restaurant serves steamboat and of course with Lamb meat ... actualy most dishes were LAMB meat la , but it's nice !!! Total we spent like 415 rmb for 9 persons ba. Then we went home after a hearty meal ~~~

ANyway , todae not go clubbing celebrate Mathew's birthday, staying home with Mel later insteadto watch a movie "Hannibal Rising" . The rest gng Ktv the whole nite . Juz dun feel like gng out .... love my room and roomie !!!!

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