Monday, May 28, 2007

FreedoM frOm MenTaL TorTUe !!!!


last week was the most tortuous week in GIP. Spent like 3-4 days piaing the IA report. Made alot of changes and lost my focus nw n then, but finally finished on SAt, spend the whole overnite on Fri to rush through the last few parts !!! Hurray .. juz dun wanna touch tt report again ...

Oh well... this weeek is back to report week and of course to do the chinese Presentation slides which i would have to present a topic infront of the class, i chosen the CHina Culture wan, juz hope wun stagger tt day ! haha .. since more assignments are completed, it's turn to get back to the enjoyable days and spend the remaining 17 days in shanghai meaningfully ! Shopping, eating and Exploring are the main tasks !

About the Huangshan trip, suppossed to be on the 9th , but i got this bad institution tt this time round wun b able to make it for the trip, either because the organiser cant make it in time or i might wanna go to suzhou instead ! Gotta see how lo... juz take a step at a time.... this sunday planning to go 7 pu shop again , gotta help my Dear Bro to get his shoe and watches etc. And of course do my final shopping showdown =P

Sianz .. been feeling down nowadays , matters of the heart . Dunno how to say also .. juz hiding to myself, and trying to suppress the feelings down inside. Cant wait to find a person to talk to ... but ..... *sigh*

Okay la...gng to do my ppt slides now liaoz..and waitin for my colleague ask me go do labwork ! Tata ... Take care all my friends , esp Birdie !

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