Saturday, May 05, 2007

May Holiday Trips (29th Apr-4th May) - Part 2: Jiang Nan - Lin An tour

ON the 3rd of May, me n roomie set off to our first trip by tour in Shanghai to Jiang Nan - Lin An. At first we thought that the place we gng to is within Hang Zhou area but we were wrong. It's juz near Hang Zhou but actually it's in Zhe Jiang province - Jiang Nan.

Thruout the 2 days tour , we went to 4 main attractions - of course , most are waterfalls and bamboo forests as these are the main reasons why we chose this package.

Except for the tourguide who always screwed up , enjoyed the 2 days tour thoroughly.
Had alot of local food : mostly 野味 like chicken , bamboo shoots etc.

Here are the itineary (include安吉&临安 province):

1. 竹林 & 大竹海

- Saw all sorts of Bamboo species
-The different things made by bamboo
- was overwhlemed by the whole forests of bamboos... sense of nearness to nature . Love the big green sight

2. 藏龙百瀑

- climbed at least an hr
- different names of waterfall of waterfall could be seen within 1m of sight, could even feel the clear,fresh water. Saw people washing their legs in the water .... OMG !
- 落差为60多米的“长龙飞瀑” - tt's the main waterfall.
(***this is the main waterfall - made me n roomie climbed all the way up)

- Sweat alot, like sauna-ing.

3. 双溪流-江南第一漂
- At entrance , took the bull carridge . Saw how the bulls are being "tortued" by the driver.

-Tried my first time bamboo rafting , sitting on the bamboo bench on the bamboo raft, had the refreshing and thrilling feel. Water seeping thru the bamboos.

- went thru 2 small "slides" down mini waterfalls
- drifted thru the whole stream for 40mins
- Tried Horse-riding here
-Ate the bamboo rice

4. 山沟沟 (茅唐&汤坑)

-another waterfall attractions (though nicer than the previous attraction)
- Climbed for at least 3hrs
- various waterfalls
- Swings made between bamboos trees

(Doesn't this look like a APE ??? It is one of the main attraction .... )

(This is taken at a old army house during the war periods)

Hotel : 临安大剧院宾馆

Overall , had a tiring but enjoyable trip. Legs gng to wobble soon. Planning to have a gd rest before work starts on Tue.

FOr more pics , go take a look at my MSN space ba .... lots of pics updated !

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