Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nanjing Trip on 14th-15th April

Yo people..beena long time since i last blogged .. was busy the whole week since i came back from Nanjing . Anyway .. here are some places i went to ...

Earli in the mrng, took the first train n travelled to the sch campus ; gotta be ther by 7am ,on the way bought Mac Donald for breakfast. Boarded the coach bus provided by the school and set off happily.

The journey took like 4 hrs in total to reach our first destination - 中山陵 , a place where Sun Zhong Shan's tomb was built. The place was rather big , full of tour grps . It is surrounded with tall trees , stairs , ancient statues etc. Overall , a nice place to tour. Get to know more abt how mr. SUN's tomb was moved to Nanjing , and also get to see his tomb.

(****The family of 1601 at the top of a tower ***)

Then settled down in the hotel arranged by the school in a popular district named 夫子庙街, waa was so happi to see my room . The hotel lobby does not look grand or posh but once me n mel get to our room at the 2nd flr (2213) , we were surprised to see a nice, grand with ancient decor room. Took quite a few pics in the room ... haha the Tv still provide "scv" programs ..... Along this street, small stalls were set-up sellin mainly handicrafts and FOOD ! Tt's why at the dinner , i did not eat much as i kept my stomach to try out those street delicacies ! Had Smelly toufu (first time tried,not bad) , Ice Kachang , Tepan-Octupus . ATe until my stomach started to feel uneasy ... walked to mani places around the street .. explored some nice lighted streets . Bought alot of local snacks back , gng to bring back SIngapore. U can see most pics at my MSN space.

(*** The hotel ... look at the DECOR ~~~ )

(****This is the FU ZI MIao ... ) => Splendid rite ? Luckily me n mel found this place.

The next mrng , after a heavy breakfast , we set off to the final destination prior to leaving Nanjing. We were brought to 总统府 to look at the history of Nanjing , and also get to tour ard the residence place of Sun Zhong Shan when he took charge as the president of Nanjing.

(***One pic taken in the garden of the presidential place .... )

The lunch was arranged at a posh hotel . Had the nicest food since i arrived in Shanghai. Think our school spent alot on this trip. At least they are not stingy lo. Haha ...

Anyway , since this week , i had been gng to a new company (stil without the pay) This company is a env. research centre . Think will get to experience more on Env. stuffs. The lunch is provided by the centre - everyday get to eat at a hotel restaurant . Sounds good rite .. the food is nice lo ... ANyway, i hope to get to learn more things in this centre , trying to compensate for the lost time .. me n mel are helping to translate some scientific journals these few days ... todae went to HUA TONG UNI to attend a prof's lecture on ecological engr. Made me feel so int in tt area.

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