Wednesday, April 04, 2007

ShopPIng Spree

Well .. it's a sin that i have done yesterday - Shopping , think spent almost 300rmb ba ...
Here is how it goes ....

Yesterday , me n roomie took a day off from work to go extend our visas which is expiring on 19th April. Went ard 12 plus , not much ppl ther .. though we gotta wait for like 46 queues before us , think waiting time was like 30 mins or so. The proceedings were fast , juz passed all our documents to the counter staffs and we were DONE ! ! Walked to the SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STAT , where there's a big underground shopping mall ...

Introduction abt the place :
It's packed with shops selling mainly clothes/Shoes . Have 4 divisions - A,B,C & D areas (actually all selling the same stuffs). Common stuffs like ABERCROMBIE , ADIDAS , PUMA , FAKE Branded stuffs etc. Also , most ang mohs shop here ...

Well .... after shopping ard for like 3 hrs , here are our harvests :

Mine : A pair of puma sneakers (55rmb) , a BABY MILO tee(55rmb) , a PUMA jacket (110rmb) , a ROXY GIRL jacket (75rmb) .

Roomie's : ALOT .... (like 600rmb of stuffs) ... lolx

ANyway , we shopped for things that is not common .. tt's why we paid the price higher than the other common stuffs .. somemore the quality is much better ... DUN MIND paying for the stuffs that i like .. and njoy the shopping too ...

We ended our shopping spree @ ard 6pm , then we proceeded on to People Square cos dun feel like gng home ... wanted to explore ... we wanted to go to the "culture street" along the people square area . but actually the street has become commercialised ... so nuttin much to explore too ... sad ... but we found this SHANGHAI BOOK CITY , rather big with 7 levels ,so find all sorts of books here except the collection of eng books are limited =( .... read thru some of the books ....

Went home ard 9.30pm .

Well ... Overall , had an enjoyable day ... PEACEFUL and COMFROTABLE ....

*******SICK .... sorethroat !!!! ******

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